Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of My Doings

Okay, so.....
Where have I been?
So, I'm officially accepted to Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
I'll be doin' some research.
I went up for an interview/visit a couple weeks ago. Less than a week later I was stepping out of my biochemistry class to here Dr. Sillitoe tell me that I'd be accepted. It's strange. I have been denied from a lesser school than Albert Einstein and they excitedly accepted me. It'd be super to know what each school saw in me.
The logistics of moving to New York (oh yeah that's where the school is) is pretty complicated. There's lots of stuff I want to take with me and dragging it across the country is a big endeavor. I'll have to talk things into coming with me soon enough, as soon as I figure out where I'm going to put them.
The other option is UT in Austin. I'll be going to a weekend there in March. It's a good program and it is closer. The logistics would be less complicated, but New York just sounds like such a better place to try out. I don't know

I'm addicted to the following shows:
Community, Better Off Ted, 30 Rock, and Parks and Recreation.

Listening to Obama, I think getting into science right now is a great decision. "We need to up our investment in Math and Science.." Works for me.

He is speaking about the distrust of the government. It would be nice if I could trust the government, but is that possible? Can you trust the people who do that for a living? Who get paid to say the exact right thing?
I don't know.

I'm taking Biochemistry this semester and I think I'm behind. I need to figure out what the point is, what the general schema is into which I can insert all this data.

Okay I'm rambling.

Let's have a song:

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